Have you noticed your children using the “” emoji frequently in their online chats and social media posts and wondered what it signifies? Well, you are not alone. Internet slang can be confusing, unpredictable and even downright bizarre. Let’s uncover the true meaning behind the “
” slang.
What Does "🗿" Mean?
The emoji "🗿" is a representation of a moai, the monolithic human figures carved by the Rapa Nui people on Easter Island in eastern Polynesia. But in the world of teenage slang and internet lingo, this stone-faced statue indicates being stoned or intoxicated. The connection seems to be the stony face and the altered state of consciousness often associated with being under the influence. For instance, someone might drop this emoji in a text message or a tweet to suggest they're in a relaxed, mellow state—or to hint they've been partaking in substances that might induce such a state. "Dude you were totally 🗿 at the party last night" pretty much sums up how this slang phrase is commonly used.
Understanding the Importance of Online Lingo
Communication Starters for Kids
- “What’s a new word or emoji you and your friends are into right now?”
- “When I was your age, people would say something was ‘all that and a bag of chips’ if it was awesome. What’s your favorite word to describe something as cool?”
- “I know emojis can mean something different to kids than they do to parents. Are there any emojis I use that you think I should stop using?”
- “If you could describe yourself using just one emoji, which one would you pick?”
Remember, the key is to establish an open line of communication. Keeping up with the latest slang can provide a useful insight into their world and facilitate more engaging conversations.Keep reading, keep learning, and stay on top of your parenting game.