Nowadays, new slang words seem to appear almost daily, and it can be challenging to keep up with all of them. “Sewerslide” is one such term that many parents may not be familiar with, yet its implication is of great importance.
Defining "Sewerslide"
At first glance, "Sewerslide" may seem like a nonsensical term, perhaps a fun new phrase created by today's imaginative youths. However, the reality is quite different- "Sewerslide" is a slang term that is used in place of "suicide." It arose from online platforms and discussions where algorithms frequently censor or flag certain keywords related to severe mental health issues such as suicide and self-harm. To avoid these censors, individuals began using the slang term "Sewerslide" as a workaround.
Why "Sewerslide" is Concerning
Starting a Conversation
- “What’s a new word you and your friends are into right now?”
- “When I was your age, people would say something was ‘all that and a bag of chips’ if it was awesome. What’s your favorite word to describe something cool?”
- “I know emojis can mean something different to kids than they do to parents. Are there any emojis I use that you think I should stop using?”
- “If you could describe yourself using just one emoji, which one would you pick?”
By using these prompts, you can engage your child in a casual chat about their online activities and the language they encounter.