Are you familiar with the term “preppy?” Originally rooted in the chic, upscale uniforms of America’s private preparatory school students, “preppy” has evolved over time to describe a popular aesthetic or style known for girly, bright-colored outfits and mainstream brand names like Lululemon and Stanley. Today, the term is typically used to define someone who adopts this specific style.
"Preppy" Then and Now
Back in the 80s and 90s, when many of us parents were young, we used the word preppy to describe someone who dressed smartly and was part of the upper crust of society. People who wore polo shirts, boat shoes, and pearls were often labeled "preppy."The meaning of preppy, however, seems to have grown up with us. While "preppy" is still used to describe a pertinently chic and polished look, the specifications have shifted to absorb more contemporary trends, aligning more with what can be described as "basic" or "mainstream" fashion.
The Slang Evolution
Starting the Conversation
- Ask them to share a new word they and their friends are using.
- Share your experiences, exclaim how people would describe something as ‘cool’ by saying “all that and a bag of chips” back in your day.
- Ask them what their go-to phrase for “cool” is.
- Discuss emojis: you could admit that you know emojis might have different meanings for different generations and ask whether there are any you should refrain from using.
- Gain insight: ask what emoji they might use to describe themselves.
By engaging in such conversations, you’ll find a way to connect with your child on their level, communicate better, and understand their world. It’s all part of being a tech-smart and dialled-in parent in the digital age.