One of the challenges of parenting in the digital age is keeping up with the evolving lingo and slang that teens use in the online world. It’s crucial that we, as parents, understand these expressions to monitor our children’s communications effectively. An acronym that regularly pops up is ‘POS,’ let’s delve deeper into it.
POS Meaning and Slang Definition
POS is a multifaceted term; it ordinarily stands for 'Piece of S**t.' It denotes an unpleasant individual or a substandard object. Primarily used to express frustration or distaste, it's a derogatory remark. Yet in certain contexts, POS can be used as a code to mean 'Parent Over Shoulder,' signaling to the other person in the chat that their messages are presently in view of the user's parent.
POS Slang Usage and Variations
- “Did you know that Jake left me stranded yesterday? He’s such a POS.”
Alternatively, your teen may use POS in relation to a technical difficulty they’re facing such as,
- “Ugh, my laptop is a real POS. It crashed in the middle of my assignment”.
However, if applied in the context of ‘Parent Over Shoulder,’ it is less about venting and more about secret communication. It would look something like this,
- “Hey Bill, do you have the science homework answers? POS.”