As parents, we sometimes scratch our heads at the new phrases and words our kids use. Today, we’ll demystify another piece of teen lingo: ‘Facts’.
'Facts' Explained
The word 'Facts', as used in teen slang, isn't referring to a piece of information that is indisputably the case. Instead, it's a modern, emphatic way to acknowledge someone's statement as being true or accurate. This slang use is a modification of the original meaning and represents a cultural shift in vernacular language driven by younger generations.
Using 'Facts'
Open Dialogue About Slang
- “What’s a new word you and your friends are into right now?”
- “When I was your age, people would say something was ‘all that and a bag of chips’ if it was awesome. What’s your favorite word to describe something as cool?”
- “I know emojis can mean something different to kids than they do to parents. Are there any emojis I use that you think I should stop using?”
- “If you could describe yourself using just one emoji, which one would you pick?”
By fostering this level of communication, we can better understand and relate to our kids, driving stronger connections and facilitating healthier family relationships.So next time your child says “That’s facts!”, instead of being bewildered, you’ll know they’re essentially saying, “I agree!”. It’s another fascinating evolution of language, a testament to the ever-changing, dynamic nature of human expression.