Understanding the Meaning Behind the Slang ‘DANK’

dank slang meaning

As parents, understanding the ever-evolving world of internet slang can be quite the task. One such slang term that has transformed and diversified in its usage is ‘DANK’. Let’s take a closer look at it.

DANK Meaning in Slang

In internet slang, 'DANK' signifies high quality excellence and can sometimes refer to weird, edgy memes. The term has its roots in describing high-quality marijuana, but these days its meaning has broadened and it is used as a general adjective for anything positive or attractive.

DANK Use Cases & Slang Examples

Here are a few different ways your teen might be using ‘DANK’:
  • “That new coffee shop downtown? Their pastries are really dank!”
  • “Did you see the latest episode of that show? It was totally dank!”
  • “That new game is so hard. But I love it. It’s just dank.”
  • “Check out this dank meme. Couldn’t stop laughing!”

These examples demonstrate how the term can be used in a variety of contexts.

Navigating The Discussion on DANK Slang Usage

The word ‘DANK’ can itself be a topic of conversation with your child. Here are some discussion prompts to get started:
  • “Have you seen any dank memes lately that you wish to share?”
  • “What’s the most dank thing you’ve seen or experienced this week?”
  • “Do you use the term ‘dank’ often? In what context?”
  • “Can you share some dank memes that you find funny or interesting?”

Stay Ahead with Parentaler's Slang Alert Feature

Keeping up with the latest slang in online communication can be challenging, especially for parents. That's why we've introduced Slang Alert in our Parentaler app – a tool to help you stay aware. With it, customize keywords, receive real-time warnings, and gain contextual understanding. Parentaler's Slang Alert feature sends alerts to parents' phones when their child uses specific monitored slang words.Parenting in a connected world can feel like sailing unknown waters, but with Parentaler, you'll be ahead. Don’t just monitor – understand and participate. Utilize Slang Alert and become the proactive parent your child desires. Join the conversation and enhance your digital parenting with Parentaler.
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